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The most advanced Scientific Corrective Sports Training System to ensure improvement and correction. BXST has been implemented with clients at every level, NBA down.

July 5 - July 15, 2024 (Session one).

Sports Teams built for Gen Z, with enhanced coaching techniques and innovative approaches.

NBA Slam Dunk Champion Derrick Jones Jr. training with BenX using BenX Sports Technology. Click to read Blogs about Training.
Click the flyer and register for a Free Session with BenX Sports. Simply let us know what gym and time you want to come to and we will give you a totally free session!

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\"Where Pros Send Their Kids and Players to Train\" - BenX
Read about how BenX has revoliutionized the training industry, and developed NBA players

The Stars Align to...... BenX
So Many NBA greats have chosen BenX and he\'s humble to this day.
The Revolution of BenX
Are you ranked? Is your son or daughter ranked? Who does the ranking? How does it work? What is the criteria and who performs the test? What test? Have you asked these questions? Well it is time for the Revolution of control - BenX